Amplicon KwikDraw-A VGA series

1HE Rackmount LCD-Konsole, VGA, ohne KVM-Funktionalität

  • Ästhetisch glattes Design
  • Einfache Montagemöglichkeit, ausführbar durch eine Person
  • Tastatur mit 104 Tasten und integriertem Touchpad
  • Ausgezeichnete Betrachtungswinkel
  • Geringes Gewicht
  • Optional multilinguale Tastatur verfügbar

The Rackmount analogue console drawers offer a varied screen sizes and resolutions to suit any application need. Available in 17" and 19" with a clean, crisp look and feel

All units offer a low power consumption for those green in mind and a low 5W standby.

Easy installation and sleek aesthetic design make this a perfect console of choice.

Options are available with the KVM functionality.

Learn more about the Amplicon Rackmount console drawers range.

Screen Count
Screen Size
17 inch
19 inch
Standard Def
KVM Option
Keyboard and Screen

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